For many individuals, a car is the second most expensive purchase they will make in their lifetimes, but keeping your car secure is often an afterthought. However, the number of vehicles stolen every year continues to rise, with statistics from the FBI showing that 707,758 motor vehicles were stolen in the United States in 2015, up 3.1 percent from 2014. This means that a motor vehicle was stolen every 45 seconds in the U.S. in 2015 and if your vehicle doesn’t have a great security system, your ride may become another statistic in 2017. If you are worried that your vehicle may be a target of thieves, Tint World® offers a number of security products that can help keep your ride secure.
What types of security products are available from your local Tint World® location? We offer a wide variety of security products including:
Compustar Car Alarm Security Kits: Tint World® offers various Compustar series of vehicle security systems that come with a lifetime warranty and the ability to monitor the safety of your vehicle over distance. The Tint World® Compustar systems also offer functionality for remote starts to offer additional value for your ride.
Mobile Control: Tint World® alarm and security offerings include mobile capabilities, which can allow you to control your vehicle security through your smartphone. Remote lock and start commands, GPS tracking and push notifications for your vehicle protection are also available with the mobile security control systems available from Tint World®.
Security and Convenience: Tint World® offers car security convenience for cars, trucks, SUVs and more, including 2-way garage door remotes, remote start capabilities, window automation systems and much more. In addition, Tint World® mobile security technicians are trained and certified by MECP (Mobile Electronics Certified Professionals) who provide factory quality installation for your security purchase. When you trust Tint World® to install your vehicle security systems, your work will be done to the highest specifications!
If you are looking to protect your vehicle investment with best in class vehicle security options, trust the team at Tint World® to handle your individual vehicle security requirements. If your ride is ready for a security upgrade, learn more about the auto security options that Tint World® has to offer and contact your local Tint World® today!