Our techs can cure the ravages of winter for warm-weather driving
The days of the open road are again drawing near.
But before you point your car between green spring pastures, there are several steps Tint World® techs can take to make your vehicle ready for the transition from winter to spring. We provide automotive repair and maintenance services so you can focus on your roll.
Here are some keys to warm-weather maintenance:
- Wash your car. Salt, sand, and brine can leave a coating of winter gunk on your ride that is both unsightly and corrosive. Our detail teams can make it look like new for the spring renewal.
- Check your tires. If you switch out tires on a seasonal basis, check your tires thoroughly. Our techs can check for weakened sidewalls or wear that can make your entire ride unsafe. It’s also a good time to make sure your spare tire is fully inflated and good to go.
- Test your battery. Winter temperatures can make your battery work much harder, and it could have lost a lot of juice.
- Change your wipers. Windshield wipers get a workout in the winter keeping your windshield free of snow, ice, rain or winter road applications. Our techs will make sure they are ready to handle spring showers with ease.
- Check your oil. Don’t be a dipstick and disregard your oil level — lubrication is key to long engine life. Spring is a good time to start with a fresh, full reservoir. We can take care of that for you.
- Get the dings out. Our techs can remove any dents or dings caused by flying ice chunks or other winter road debris.
Spring is indeed a time of renewal. Tint World® auto services can get you right before you hit the road to smell spring flowers.
Contact your local Tint World® today for an appointment.