Tint World® offers a solution from the sun and rain
Glare from sun and headlights alike cause car crashes. Tint World® can help reduce such accidents. It’s scientific.
“So far as crash avoidance is concerned, when looking at the overall phenomenon and the distribution of crashes over a period of 24 hours in a day, it becomes clear that future efforts concerning glare should include both headlamps and sunlight. What is needed is a common approach to both headlamp and sunlight glare and develop countermeasures to reduce glare before it strikes drivers’ eyes.”
Most everyone has encountered serious sun glare, especially while driving – even with the visors down – in the early morning or late afternoon. All of a sudden your vision is seriously compromised and you find yourself gliding through a red light or stop sign. Depending on your luck at the moment, that can either yield a sigh of relief, a call to your insurance company or even a trip to the hospital – or morgue.
As the authors of the research point out, the sun is but one source of blinding glare. Headlights, especially on a rainy night or wet road, can also temporarily fry retinas. To make matters worse, drivers generally can’t use glare as an excuse to avoid liability following a crash.
Suggestions to avoid glare include polarized sunglasses, sun visors and keeping your windshield clean. But there’s a better – and more obvious – precaution you can take: Get your windows tinted at Tint World®. It is, after all, the foundation on which we built our business. Depending on your need (and the tint laws and regulations in your state or municipality), we can reduce the amount of light traveling into your vehicle by up to 95 percent.
Here are some advantages to having your vehicle windows tinted by the experts at Tint World®:
- We offer “micro-edge” cutting technology to ensure 100 percent accuracy in the tinting application.
- We can install tinting quickly thanks to our advanced software system.
- We provide a range of custom tint designs, and even maintain our own design library for you to choose from.
- Each window-tinting package comes with a nationwide warranty that can be honored at any of our locations across the country.
- As a leader in the tinting world, we can leverage our buying power to secure tint and tint materials at a lower cost that is then passed on to you.
No one wants to be part of a study pulled together by a government agency. Don’t become a statistic. Get your windows tinted today.
Contact your local Tint World® or call 800-767-8468 for prices and more information about our window-tinting services.